Reform versus Revolution

Hypotheses on the Solution of the 'Reform- vs.-Revolution' "Contradiction" for the Present Global Socio-Political-Economic Crisis:

To posit "reform" and "revolution" as two absolutely separate and opposed processes — as do so many of today's self-degenerating, pseudo-Marxians (e.g., Leninists, neo-Malthusian "Marxists", etc.) — is an example of the most crippling kind of UN-dialectical, self-defeating thinking.

Since such thinking is UN-dialectical — and since actuality IS dialectical [i.e., is a process of potentially-progressive cumulative development, self-mediated by self-opposition] — such thinking leads to the most abject failures in practice.

There can be no "revolution" which is absolutely disconnected from its historical and recent past; which is an absolute re-beginning of the world, from scratch. There can be no "revolution" which does not involve elements of "reform" (i.e., of the self-transformative, self-remoulding of the only material available, the material of the past-become-present).

The concept of "absolute" revolution is a delusory abstraction, a figment of the imagination, "absolutely" impossible as an actuality.

Such thinking about revolution makes revolution a «utopia» — a "nowhere" — a place of which it must be said that "you can't get there from here."

Likewise, there can be no "reform" that does not contain the possibility — and that does not increase the probability, however minimally — of triggering a "point of no return" for and to the old social system; of triggering more than reform, of triggering a revolutionary transition.

That is why ruling classes are so averse to reform, and, sometimes, why, by resisting even the merest reforms for too long, and by means too brutal, they may precipitate revolution anyway — by trying to forestall reform.

The key to successful revolution today, it seems to us, is to locate the embryo of the new, successor system to capitalism, within the present, predecessor system of that successor system; within the Capital-relation as the present, predominate "social relation of production", to use Marx's term.

Having located that embryo, it should then be possible to chart a path of successively accessible reforms, which, if that path is followed, will lead to a revolutionary "point of no return", and to a supercession of the capitalist system, in a new, higher, better system of quantitatively AND QUALITATIVELY SELF-EXPANDING human societal self-reproduction.

However, to be able to locate the embryo of the new system within the old, one has to have a clear understanding of what the old system is, and thereby, be enabled to form an inkling — indeed, a relatively concrete vision — of what that new system must look like.

The legacy left by Marx and Engels, in terms of envisioning the successor system to the capitals-system, is not very helpful in that regard, in any detail.

The legacy left by Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin, Mao, Castro, Ceaucescu, etc., «ad nauseam», is a very detailed legacy of a NON-successor to capitalism; of totalitarian, police-state dictatorship and terror by the state-bureaucracy — as a substitute capitalist ruling-class for a missing, or stunted, private capitalist ruling-class — against the working class; a legacy of proto-STATE-CAPITALISM, not of true communism; not of the social system of "the associated producers" [Marx].

However, utilizing those few loci in the extant writings of Marx and Engels where they sketch the new social system that they hold can "lawfully" arise out of capitalism via revolutionary reform — if we avoid the abyss of failed "reforms" and failed "revolutions", all leading to "the mutual ruin of the contending classes" — we claim as follows:

  1. The embryo of the new system, the system of the realized DEMOCRATIC '''politicization''' of the capitalist political-economy; the embryo of Political-ECONOMIC DEMOCRACY, is located in the 'Capital-EQUITY' essence of the "Capital-relation" [Marx], the Capital-relation being the predominating social relation of production [Marx] of the system that is named after it, the '''Capital[ist]-System''', i.e., that embryo is located in the principle of "Stockholder DEMOCRACY".
    [See: "Proposed Equitarian Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America" at Amendment XXVIII; "Alternative to the Totalitarian Self-Degeneration of Capitalism – Political-Economic Democracy" at Political-Economic Democracy.]

  2. That "embryo" matures via "revolutionary reforms" which change, incrementally, but qualitatively, the social relation of production of the Capitals-system, by extending and expanding — generalizing — that embryo, of "STOCKholder DEMOCRACY", increasingly, into '"STAKEholder DEMOCRACY"'.
    [See: "Proposed Equitarian Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America" at Amendment XXVIII; "Alternative to the Totalitarian Self-Degeneration of Capitalism – Political-Economic Democracy" at Political-Economic Democracy.]

  3. 'Workers' Capital' — the capital of collectively self-employing workers, in worker-owned producers' cooperatives, which emerge within capitalism, as forms of the '"self-«aufheben» self-negation of capitalism still within capitalism"' [Marx] — is a modification of the Capital-relation which also expresses and represents the embryonic form of the new social relation of production, of the successor system to capitalism; the system of "Free Association", or of "The Associated Producers".
    [See: "Proposed Equitarian Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America" at Amendment XXVIII; "Alternative to the Totalitarian Self-Degeneration of Capitalism – Political-Economic Democracy" at Political-Economic Democracy.]

  4. The way to the new society — higher successor to capitalist society — is via a succession of legal, non-violent, constitutional reforms which GENERALIZE the Capital-Equity relation, and principle, of Stockholder ECONOMIC DEMOCRACY, but NOT just quantitatively, e.g., by making every citizen a shareholder in the capital equity stock of capitalist corporations, but also QUALITATIVELY, via the constitutional 'institution-ization' of four new species — NEW KINDS — of Social, Economic, Citizen EQUITY social property rights, namely:
    [See: "Proposed Equitarian Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America" at; "Alternative to the Totalitarian Self-Degeneration of Capitalism – Political-Economic Democracy" at]
  1. CITIZEN EXTERNALITY EQUITY [This means the economic-democratic management of pollution "Externalities", and of other kinds of "Externalities".];
  2. CITIZEN BIRTHRIGHT EQUITY [This one is the most like a mere quantitative generalization of Capital Equity.];
  3. CITIZEN STEWARDSHIP EQUITY [This one grows the "embryo" represented by 'Workers' Capital' into a new social relation of production full-blown, superseding the Wage-Labor Relation.];
  4. CITIZEN ALLOCATIONAL EQUITY[This means the equal «per-capita» geographical allocation of citizen access to social property.].

The capitalist ruling class will, of course, ideologically — and violently — resist even these non-violent reforms.

Their very resistance will further educate a 'populist' public, pressing for these reforms, to the need for a revolutionary re-constitution of capitalist society, into Equitarian society — into that real "communist society", that Political-Economic Democracy — which Marx, Engels, and the rest of the real communist movement, meant by that term.

That term does NOT mean the totalitarian, multi-genocidal STATE-CAPITALIST dictatorship, which is, in fact, the self-destination and the self-destiny of UN-resisted decadence-phase capitalism, and of its decadence-phase ruling class — e.g., the core ruling class and the rest of the society that we constitute and reproduce today.


For further details, see:

epublished on 08-MarcH-2010 by

In association with


Point of Departure