Terms of Empowerment
Airing and Sharing Diction
by Everyone
yesterday, today, and this day forward
This effort is gifted to make my historical and experiential understandings
useful to others by communicating those experiences and historical interpretations
to you.
The suggested use is for social self-making and self-oriented society-making.
Should you wish to discuss and/or embellish or elevate them further with
your own directly-lived experience and directly-made history-wisdom, then
I welcome you to send email or post within the welcoming and secure
Unbecoming Things forum.
Clarifying terminologies (words, phrases, concepts)
Unfortunately, this attempt at reconciling the arguments of form with the umbilical lashing from
history rationalizers, merely duct-taped the paradoxes' "opposites" in a "summed-together"
abstraction. The attempts to transcend were many under this poorly-named "centralized vs.
decentralized" formality, and the "solution" became more the unity of reifications, as in an
abstract synthesis. Nonetheless, both "sides" do need real and concrete transcendence,
as in devising real social relations based on individual experiences (and absences of experience).
If we can devise more than hyphens we may become a new and more fresh paradox from which
to emerge, and newer and more robust transcendences of ourselves from there, and....
This was a use-valuable attempt to confront extractive hierarchy by syndicating, that
is associating in formal organization, a new way of relating around and through to wealth.
Every attempt in the past has, in some manner failed us while making our next attempt
more robust IF we know its successes as well.
active self-colonization:
Complicit surrender, that is, codependence with one's inversion, with one's reified self.
This is a learned process, and with practice, like favoring a leg which has been injured,
can be unlearned, or "turned" against that which is colonizing: behavior, troops, police,
designer disease, psycho-limping, maintained unconsciousness, flattened perception, etc.
Taken from "common well-being", this will be eroded by the inverse quotient of
extraction-to-labor as one rises up in any representative hierarchy. As symbolized
labor rises in a hierarchy, it gains power over labor, and, conversely, labor
becomes "its bitch". The common becomes what is lost, and the well-being flips
to the "well-being of that process by which labor-capable self-power always
"sells itself short" of getting everything it creates. "For every minute I work, I
lose an hour; for every penny I make as compensation, I lose a dollar." The concept
of "common well-being" is just that... a concept. When it is associating the power of
what makes it real with the abstract of someone making decisions about it who
does only that, and calls parasitism "labor", well, we see the difference between
"being" taken, and taking being to the level of "becoming" through the generalized
self-management of wealth. The commonality of self-wealth is not the same as
the commonality of self-sacrifice. That "being, well... taken" is a qualitatively
worse state than taking a drink from the common well of be[com]ing".
So, in affirming beyond the shortcomings of past extractive implementations concerning
"commonwealth", we find attractive self-wealth.
cooperative (co-op):
This is usually associated with an effort around laborous tasks associated with creating
or distributing some social wealth (e.g., food, tools). The form is best kept off the terrain
of capital, i.e., "brick and mortar", since that kills — licenses, fees, taxes, hierarchical
organization — the very circumvention of the kidnapping of those human creations,
into oddly-named alien and human-separated -things: goods,
Unfortunately, and precisely because of "fortune", this remained the terrain of hierarchy.
Devised by "EX"-Leninists... as with an "EX"-Catholic... as if. Their colonizing persona,
unchallenged as capital worn by human skin, or as host6ed by humans, is
in charge despite the shoulders-up attempts to "shake the curse".
Nonetheless, this is the place from which to re-adventure and re-invent, including "what has
seeped inside".
Visually, seen from the tip of a "round" hierarchy hides within its potential transcendence,
disguising its blocking "bottoms up" mandated decisions and its decision-making process,
by turning a conical pyramid scheme. The different perspective angle of hierarchy,usually
depicted as radiating from a few at the top to the many at the bottom, appears as a radiating
from a center outwards, as in a drop of water radiating from its decisive point of contact
with "other water" outwards... in this case, any single
decisionor re-presenting/con-trolling any decisionee
apart from [him/her]self.
The [conical] "pyramid" and its scheme are still in tact. Some speak
for others, and thus, OVER them, who invariably are reduced to shadows by unaware submission
and see not the cause: formal 'top-to-down'-wardness flipped to central 'in-to-out'-wardness. This can be avoided,
and simply, by extra-emphasizing and integrating how decisions move: in
one direction only, i.e., from the "bottom" and "outer" "up" and "in".
"Wiggle room" must be clarified so that imagination is not squelched and so that alienated
power is made impossible.
deductive reasoning (how to notice and connect "the dots"):
Am I the sum of a bunch of disconnected "points", just like the line made of one-dimensional
points fashioning linera thought? Or, can I leap off the page of these "dots", off the
flat dimension, the facet allowing only itself and sums of itself?!
dialectical reasoning (leaping past paradox and beyond dichotomy):
All wisdom need not be restricted to the facet(s) from which it may arise first, second, etc.
It can jump to a numbering system, that is, dynamic "conclusion", which is imaginary to the
direct democracy:
Be wary of "majority rule", as it is just a single sum, a quantity, above "minority rule". The
qualitative must be formally definitive and the quantitative must be avoided lest defeat is
"a built-in".
This is the simple answer to "what can and do I bring to the table?" What you do and
have done is the wealth and the "scale" in the social use of it is considered its "equity".
extractive state capitalism:
The rationalized form of capitalism, ratios by bureaucrats become the mathematical lie that
glosses up slow death, and more rapidly. Avoid at all costs but know that being stateless
with regards to this recursion always leads back to the cold and hard facts of exploitation
by hierarchy in its reified forms no matter the "reasons". Excusing alienation strengthens
and evolves its power over human self-power, "socially".
State-administered capitalism is the state of capital today, wherein corporations own the state.
The "tossed" rendition, wherein the state is the only corporation, gave the state bureacrats too
much power as humans. The new world order keeps the only human rights involved those
stolen and elevated by the corporation. Mix that with state-facilitated monopoly capital, and the
corporations become a hierarchy of hierarchies, mimicking those elites who rule over sub-elites
in a social hierarchy of a single hierarchy atop all others, the monopoly of the globe.
The ratios, rationalization, and rationing of humanity-per-host by a colonizing capital,
are the roles of the subservient politicos of all types. Their 3-d form is is authoritarianism. Their
2-d form is hierarchy. Their social relation is the intersection of "need to not-know" and a fractalized
self-sacrifice built upon the pseudo-stability of other-sacrifice.
More at
The Communitarian Project